Please Note: We do not ship to Hawaii or Alaska.

*Free Shipping on Purchases Over $250

It is our goal to provide free shipping on all products over $250. However, due to your location in the US this may not always be possible for particular products and a small shipping fee may be requested. Products that may not qualify have been identified within the product's description. Those products are AM2020, AM3020, CSC1413, CSC1913, CSC3018, TF5517, and JS5517. When in doubt, you can email to see if free shipping can be provided. Or you can simply purchase the product and if there is any issue, you will be notified and fully refunded.

Delivery of all safes purchased online will be performed by the manufacture direct to the buyer.

Most manufactures only perform curbside drop off, but other options may be available. 


Curbside Delivery:

This is the standard, free delivery option. The safe is drop curbside by the shipping company. Getting it off the pallet, if applicable, and into the home are the buyers responsibility.

Pallet Set in Garage:

When you select this option:

  • We will call the shipping company to confirm the safe can be placed in the garage. If it cannot, we will call you and refund this portion of the purchase. Whether or not the shipping company offers this option, depends on your location.
  • The safe is set in the garage in whatever packaging it was shipped in. Most safes come on pallets, some come on steel skids attached to the bottom of the safe. Neither are removed by the shipping company. The safe is simply placed in the garage so that it is not sitting on the curb.
  • Your driveway to the garage must be paved and only very gently slopped. That is because one delivery driver cannot pull a heavy safe uphill on a manual pallet jack.

Note: To inspect a safe that shows damage on the box (Be sure to read our Terms and Conditions for delivery instructions) the box slides up and off the safe. If the height of your garage does not allow for this, inspect for damage before it is placed in the garage.


If you are in the Phoenix area, and within our standard service area, ACME Locksmith can move the safe into your home and bolt it down if desired (you must not have a post-tension slab).

For those in Phoenix but outside our service are, we may still offer delivery, but additional charges will apply, the rate of which depends on drive time and number of safe technicians needed. 


Take of Pallet & Move In:

The safe is dropped curbside by the shipping company, unless you also select the Garage Delivery option above. 

ACME Locksmith comes onsite at the end of the day to take the safe off the pallet and move it into the home/business. This charge assumes a clear unobstructed path, no stairs, and placement on the ground. To avoid charges be sure that the path to the safe placement is clear and unobstructed. Any additional work required in order to place the safe, such as the removal of items, building of ramps for stairs, placement of plywood, etc... will result in additional charges at time of service.

The safe must arrive by 2pm for us to come and move it into the home before the end of the day (see Terms and Conditions for delivery instructions). If the safe cannot arrive before 2pm, we will schedule the next day to move it into the home. This will result in the safe sitting wherever the shipping company placed it.

If you do not want the safe to sit curbside for an extended period of time, or until the next day when a safe does not arrive before 2pm, select the Garage Delivery option in addition to this option.

Be sure to read our Terms and Conditions for delivery instructions if you are having ACME Locksmith out to move the safe into your home. 


Take of Pallet, Move Into Home, Bolt Down 

Same as above but ACME Locksmith will secure the safe with bolts into the concrete. We Do NOT bolt into post tension slabs. Be sure to read our Terms and Conditions for delivery instructions.